
School Bus

In 1958, when the school started, there were no school buses. The parents had to personally bring their children to school. Coming from financially deprived backgrounds, it was not feasible for the parents to drop the children at school and pick them up again. Realizing the need to bring the children safely to school, and to avert absenteeism, school buses were acquired by the school to facilitate the children to attend the school regularly. The transport service was a major relief to the parents in educating their handicapped children. Transportation of the school has now become an indispensable service provided to the children of SEC

Specially designed user friendly buses are now available for the children. The school has its own 5 buses and 1 hired bus. Most of the buses are now more than 15 years old now and need to be scrapped soon.


Some severely handicapped children who cannot use the school bus, or the children whose homes are not reachable by the school bus, hire a taxi to and fro, and are reimbursed with the taxi fare.

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