Integration and Inclusion program

The Integration and Inclusion program of SEC was founded in November 2019 in loving memory and appreciation for the immense work done by Late Mrs. Zarine Chothia, past Vice President of SEC school

Late Mrs. Zarine Chothia felt strongly about the ex-students and the post integration need for persons with disabilities from the low economic sector. She would often ask “What next after their education at SEC?”

Need for the program

The transition period from a special school into mainstream society is a challenging one for persons with disabilities. The Integration and Inclusion program for youth with multiple disabilities plays an important role in addressing this gap. It provides interventions in providing opportunities with the aim of integration into mainstream society.

Aims and Objective of this program

To provide selected interventions based on needs and capacities, in empowerment and livelihood enhancement for the ex-students of SEC focusing on being productive members of society living with dignity and respect.

Our beneficiaries

Our beneficiaries are ex-students of SEC Day school ranging from 18 to 40 age group with physical and multiple disabilities like Cerebral Palsy, Meningomyelocele, Amputation, Muscular Dystrophy, Traumatic paraplegia etc.

The I&IP Program:

The program is divided into 4 verticals or sub-programs.

The beneficiaries are enrolled in various programs after an assessment by the I&IP team under an individual education plan.

Briefly the programs cover: non-formal and formal education, skill development, life skills, rehabilitation, livelihood enhancement programs and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.

Program 1

Mainstream education

For beneficiaries with disabilities to complete their education in mainstream schools. We provide: Support in admission to regular schools, awareness programs on special needs in schools, regular follow up to ensure there are no dropouts, counselling, assistance and financial assistance in tuition, transport to and from school and medical needs.

Program 2

Skill development/Employable/Self Employed

For beneficiaries who need to upgrade their work quotient or who have dropped out of school mid-way. We provide: Interventions for starting their own business or placements for jobs. The interventions include skill and vocational training, counselling and guidance, employability training and support in placements.

Program 3

Empowerment in daily living skills and Individual Education/Development Plan

For beneficiaries who need to visit the Centre. We run: A center where persons with disabilities are empowered under an Individual Development/ Education plan with daily living skills, vocational training, yoga/physiotherapy, skill development, general knowledge and mainstream skills, based on each individual’s capacities.

Program 4

Workshops: Empowerment programs for students and families.

Various workshops for parents, guardians, families, and persons with disabilities on the issue of disabilities and various schemes available.

For further information please contact:

Donations from India in Indian Rupees towards Integration and Inclusion program to be made to:

HDFC Bank – details below:
Name – Society for the Education of the
Challenged C & A I & IP
Account no - 50100388638152
IFSC code HDFC0000522
HDFC Bank – Mumbai Central Branch

Case Study

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