Terms & Conditions

Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully before using this site. Your use of this site is expressly conditioned on your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. By using this site, you signify that you unconditionally agree and accept to be legally bound by the Terms and Conditions.

Society for the Education of the Crippled (Child & Adult) (SEC) is the owner of this site. This site and with the arrangement and compilation of the content found on this site, is the copyrighted property of Society for the Education of the Crippled (Child & Adult).

If you are accessing our site, you will be deemed to have read, understood and agreed to these Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and the refund and cancellation policy.

In addition, the logos and illustrations displayed on this site are copyrighted with Society for
the Education of the Crippled (Child & Adult).

www.sec-india.org will put up only verified information on the site, or otherwise as being true to the best of their knowledge and belief.

Any liabilities arising out of any act or omission by a visitor to this site, by relying on or using
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Use of this site may require you to register and provide certain data. In consideration of the SEC permitting you to use the site, in registering and providing such data, you represent and warrant that: (a) the information about yourself is true, accurate, current, and complete (apart from optional items) as required by various registration forms on the site (the
“Registration Data”)

SEC also reserves the right at its sole discretion, to modify, add or remove any terms or conditions of these Terms of Use without notice or liability to you. Any changes to these Terms of Use shall be effective immediately, following the posting of such changes on this website.

Your continued use of www.sec-india.org means that you accept any new or modified Terms and Conditions that are maintained. We would thus encourage you to re-visit the ‘Terms of Conditions’ link at our site from time to time to stay abreast of any changes that are introduced.

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